Why Speak Faith?

Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin once said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” You must know the Word of God in order to believe what the Word says. The Word of God contains the power within itself to cause what it says to come to pass. If you believe God’s Word, and use it as God intended for you to use it, then the Word will begin to work in your life. You must act on the Word. Faith is an act! The best way to act on the Word is to speak it!
Speaking the Word is called “Confession.” There is a saying, “Confession brings possession.” In order for the Power of God to cause something that God has promised to be manifested in this natural realm, you must speak, or confess, His Word and agree with God! Then God will back up His promise by bringing it to pass in this natural realm! You must speak the Word!
“Confession brings possession.” This means that what you desire and confess comes from the spiritual into the physical realm. A spiritual truth takes on physical form in this world. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth! (John 4:24) The spiritual realm is higher than the natural realm. God created all matter, and He can change it as well!